Conversion bushel US to cubic yard
Conversion formula of bu to yd3
Here are the various method()s and formula(s) to calculate or make the conversion of bu in yd3. Either you prefer to make multiplication or division, you will find the right mathematical procedures and examples.
Formulas explanation
By multiplication (x)
Number of bushel US multiply(x) by 0.046090534979424, equal(=): Number of cubic yard
By division (/)
Number of bushel US divided(/) by 21.69643, equal(=): Number of cubic yard
Example of bushel US in cubic yard
By multiplication
14 bu(s) * 0.046090534979424 = 0.64526748971193 yd3(s)
By division
14 bu(s) / 21.69643 = 0.64526748971193 yd3(s)
Rounded conversion
Please note that the results given in this calculator are rounded to the ten thousandth unit nearby, so in other words to 4 decimals, or 4 decimal places.
Volume unit
The volume is used in several situations in order to obtain the quantity of space occupied by a solid, or the amount of material (liquid, gas or solid) that it may contain. The prism (solid) used in the calculation of a general volume is the cube because, as each of its facets is composed of squares, the latter has a regular formula. The volume is therefore represented by the following global formula: side (ex: length) multiplied by any other side (ex: width) and then multiplied by another side (ex: height). It is this same amount of side that leads to the representation of power or exponent 3 or 3.
Other units in bushel US
- Bushel US to Cubic Barleycorn
- Bushel US to Cubic Exametre
- Bushel US to Cubic Palm
- Bushel US to Dry Quart US
Imperial system
The unit bushel US is an Anglo-Saxon measure from England but widely used in different fields and countries around the world. Fractions commonly used for calculating imperial units usually have an even number as the denominator. Here are the most used fractions: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32.
Table or conversion table bu to yd3
Here you will get the results of conversion of the first 100 bushel USs to cubic yards
In parentheses () web placed the number of cubic yards rounded to unit.
bushel US(s) | cubic yard(s) |
1 bu(s) | 0.046090534979424 yd3(s) (0) |
2 bu(s) | 0.092181069958848 yd3(s) (0) |
3 bu(s) | 0.13827160493827 yd3(s) (0) |
4 bu(s) | 0.1843621399177 yd3(s) (0) |
5 bu(s) | 0.23045267489712 yd3(s) (0) |
6 bu(s) | 0.27654320987654 yd3(s) (0) |
7 bu(s) | 0.32263374485597 yd3(s) (0) |
8 bu(s) | 0.36872427983539 yd3(s) (0) |
9 bu(s) | 0.41481481481481 yd3(s) (0) |
10 bu(s) | 0.46090534979424 yd3(s) (0) |
11 bu(s) | 0.50699588477366 yd3(s) (1) |
12 bu(s) | 0.55308641975309 yd3(s) (1) |
13 bu(s) | 0.59917695473251 yd3(s) (1) |
14 bu(s) | 0.64526748971193 yd3(s) (1) |
15 bu(s) | 0.69135802469136 yd3(s) (1) |
16 bu(s) | 0.73744855967078 yd3(s) (1) |
17 bu(s) | 0.78353909465021 yd3(s) (1) |
18 bu(s) | 0.82962962962963 yd3(s) (1) |
19 bu(s) | 0.87572016460905 yd3(s) (1) |
20 bu(s) | 0.92181069958848 yd3(s) (1) |
21 bu(s) | 0.9679012345679 yd3(s) (1) |
22 bu(s) | 1.0139917695473 yd3(s) (1) |
23 bu(s) | 1.0600823045267 yd3(s) (1) |
24 bu(s) | 1.1061728395062 yd3(s) (1) |
25 bu(s) | 1.1522633744856 yd3(s) (1) |
26 bu(s) | 1.198353909465 yd3(s) (1) |
27 bu(s) | 1.2444444444444 yd3(s) (1) |
28 bu(s) | 1.2905349794239 yd3(s) (1) |
29 bu(s) | 1.3366255144033 yd3(s) (1) |
30 bu(s) | 1.3827160493827 yd3(s) (1) |
31 bu(s) | 1.4288065843621 yd3(s) (1) |
32 bu(s) | 1.4748971193416 yd3(s) (1) |
33 bu(s) | 1.520987654321 yd3(s) (2) |
34 bu(s) | 1.5670781893004 yd3(s) (2) |
35 bu(s) | 1.6131687242798 yd3(s) (2) |
36 bu(s) | 1.6592592592593 yd3(s) (2) |
37 bu(s) | 1.7053497942387 yd3(s) (2) |
38 bu(s) | 1.7514403292181 yd3(s) (2) |
39 bu(s) | 1.7975308641975 yd3(s) (2) |
40 bu(s) | 1.843621399177 yd3(s) (2) |
41 bu(s) | 1.8897119341564 yd3(s) (2) |
42 bu(s) | 1.9358024691358 yd3(s) (2) |
43 bu(s) | 1.9818930041152 yd3(s) (2) |
44 bu(s) | 2.0279835390947 yd3(s) (2) |
45 bu(s) | 2.0740740740741 yd3(s) (2) |
46 bu(s) | 2.1201646090535 yd3(s) (2) |
47 bu(s) | 2.1662551440329 yd3(s) (2) |
48 bu(s) | 2.2123456790123 yd3(s) (2) |
49 bu(s) | 2.2584362139918 yd3(s) (2) |
50 bu(s) | 2.3045267489712 yd3(s) (2) |
51 bu(s) | 2.3506172839506 yd3(s) (2) |
52 bu(s) | 2.39670781893 yd3(s) (2) |
53 bu(s) | 2.4427983539095 yd3(s) (2) |
54 bu(s) | 2.4888888888889 yd3(s) (2) |
55 bu(s) | 2.5349794238683 yd3(s) (3) |
56 bu(s) | 2.5810699588477 yd3(s) (3) |
57 bu(s) | 2.6271604938272 yd3(s) (3) |
58 bu(s) | 2.6732510288066 yd3(s) (3) |
59 bu(s) | 2.719341563786 yd3(s) (3) |
60 bu(s) | 2.7654320987654 yd3(s) (3) |
61 bu(s) | 2.8115226337449 yd3(s) (3) |
62 bu(s) | 2.8576131687243 yd3(s) (3) |
63 bu(s) | 2.9037037037037 yd3(s) (3) |
64 bu(s) | 2.9497942386831 yd3(s) (3) |
65 bu(s) | 2.9958847736626 yd3(s) (3) |
66 bu(s) | 3.041975308642 yd3(s) (3) |
67 bu(s) | 3.0880658436214 yd3(s) (3) |
68 bu(s) | 3.1341563786008 yd3(s) (3) |
69 bu(s) | 3.1802469135802 yd3(s) (3) |
70 bu(s) | 3.2263374485597 yd3(s) (3) |
71 bu(s) | 3.2724279835391 yd3(s) (3) |
72 bu(s) | 3.3185185185185 yd3(s) (3) |
73 bu(s) | 3.3646090534979 yd3(s) (3) |
74 bu(s) | 3.4106995884774 yd3(s) (3) |
75 bu(s) | 3.4567901234568 yd3(s) (3) |
76 bu(s) | 3.5028806584362 yd3(s) (4) |
77 bu(s) | 3.5489711934156 yd3(s) (4) |
78 bu(s) | 3.5950617283951 yd3(s) (4) |
79 bu(s) | 3.6411522633745 yd3(s) (4) |
80 bu(s) | 3.6872427983539 yd3(s) (4) |
81 bu(s) | 3.7333333333333 yd3(s) (4) |
82 bu(s) | 3.7794238683128 yd3(s) (4) |
83 bu(s) | 3.8255144032922 yd3(s) (4) |
84 bu(s) | 3.8716049382716 yd3(s) (4) |
85 bu(s) | 3.917695473251 yd3(s) (4) |
86 bu(s) | 3.9637860082305 yd3(s) (4) |
87 bu(s) | 4.0098765432099 yd3(s) (4) |
88 bu(s) | 4.0559670781893 yd3(s) (4) |
89 bu(s) | 4.1020576131687 yd3(s) (4) |
90 bu(s) | 4.1481481481481 yd3(s) (4) |
91 bu(s) | 4.1942386831276 yd3(s) (4) |
92 bu(s) | 4.240329218107 yd3(s) (4) |
93 bu(s) | 4.2864197530864 yd3(s) (4) |
94 bu(s) | 4.3325102880658 yd3(s) (4) |
95 bu(s) | 4.3786008230453 yd3(s) (4) |
96 bu(s) | 4.4246913580247 yd3(s) (4) |
97 bu(s) | 4.4707818930041 yd3(s) (4) |
98 bu(s) | 4.5168724279835 yd3(s) (5) |
99 bu(s) | 4.562962962963 yd3(s) (5) |
100 bu(s) | 4.6090534979424 yd3(s) (5) |