Conversion cubic foot to oil barrel US
Conversion formula of ft3 to bbl
Here are the various method()s and formula(s) to calculate or make the conversion of ft3 in bbl. Either you prefer to make multiplication or division, you will find the right mathematical procedures and examples.
Formulas explanation
By multiplication (x)
Number of cubic foot multiply(x) by 0.17810760667904, equal(=): Number of oil barrel US
By division (/)
Number of cubic foot divided(/) by 5.6145833333333, equal(=): Number of oil barrel US
Example of cubic foot in oil barrel US
By multiplication
133 ft3(s) * 0.17810760667904 = 23.688311688312 bbl(s)
By division
133 ft3(s) / 5.6145833333333 = 23.688311688312 bbl(s)
Rounded conversion
Please note that the results given in this calculator are rounded to the ten thousandth unit nearby, so in other words to 4 decimals, or 4 decimal places.
Volume unit
The volume is used in several situations in order to obtain the quantity of space occupied by a solid, or the amount of material (liquid, gas or solid) that it may contain. The prism (solid) used in the calculation of a general volume is the cube because, as each of its facets is composed of squares, the latter has a regular formula. The volume is therefore represented by the following global formula: side (ex: length) multiplied by any other side (ex: width) and then multiplied by another side (ex: height). It is this same amount of side that leads to the representation of power or exponent 3 or 3.
Other units in cubic foot
- Cubic Foot to Cubic Mile
- Cubic Foot to Cubic Perch
- Cubic Foot to Cubic Zettametre
- Cubic Foot to Quart US
Imperial system
The unit cubic foot is an Anglo-Saxon measure from England but widely used in different fields and countries around the world. Fractions commonly used for calculating imperial units usually have an even number as the denominator. Here are the most used fractions: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32.
Table or conversion table ft3 to bbl
Here you will get the results of conversion of the first 100 cubic foots to oil barrel USs
In parentheses () web placed the number of oil barrel USs rounded to unit.
cubic foot(s) | oil barrel US(s) |
1 ft3(s) | 0.17810760667904 bbl(s) (0) |
2 ft3(s) | 0.35621521335807 bbl(s) (0) |
3 ft3(s) | 0.53432282003711 bbl(s) (1) |
4 ft3(s) | 0.71243042671614 bbl(s) (1) |
5 ft3(s) | 0.89053803339518 bbl(s) (1) |
6 ft3(s) | 1.0686456400742 bbl(s) (1) |
7 ft3(s) | 1.2467532467532 bbl(s) (1) |
8 ft3(s) | 1.4248608534323 bbl(s) (1) |
9 ft3(s) | 1.6029684601113 bbl(s) (2) |
10 ft3(s) | 1.7810760667904 bbl(s) (2) |
11 ft3(s) | 1.9591836734694 bbl(s) (2) |
12 ft3(s) | 2.1372912801484 bbl(s) (2) |
13 ft3(s) | 2.3153988868275 bbl(s) (2) |
14 ft3(s) | 2.4935064935065 bbl(s) (2) |
15 ft3(s) | 2.6716141001855 bbl(s) (3) |
16 ft3(s) | 2.8497217068646 bbl(s) (3) |
17 ft3(s) | 3.0278293135436 bbl(s) (3) |
18 ft3(s) | 3.2059369202226 bbl(s) (3) |
19 ft3(s) | 3.3840445269017 bbl(s) (3) |
20 ft3(s) | 3.5621521335807 bbl(s) (4) |
21 ft3(s) | 3.7402597402597 bbl(s) (4) |
22 ft3(s) | 3.9183673469388 bbl(s) (4) |
23 ft3(s) | 4.0964749536178 bbl(s) (4) |
24 ft3(s) | 4.2745825602968 bbl(s) (4) |
25 ft3(s) | 4.4526901669759 bbl(s) (4) |
26 ft3(s) | 4.6307977736549 bbl(s) (5) |
27 ft3(s) | 4.808905380334 bbl(s) (5) |
28 ft3(s) | 4.987012987013 bbl(s) (5) |
29 ft3(s) | 5.165120593692 bbl(s) (5) |
30 ft3(s) | 5.3432282003711 bbl(s) (5) |
31 ft3(s) | 5.5213358070501 bbl(s) (6) |
32 ft3(s) | 5.6994434137291 bbl(s) (6) |
33 ft3(s) | 5.8775510204082 bbl(s) (6) |
34 ft3(s) | 6.0556586270872 bbl(s) (6) |
35 ft3(s) | 6.2337662337662 bbl(s) (6) |
36 ft3(s) | 6.4118738404453 bbl(s) (6) |
37 ft3(s) | 6.5899814471243 bbl(s) (7) |
38 ft3(s) | 6.7680890538033 bbl(s) (7) |
39 ft3(s) | 6.9461966604824 bbl(s) (7) |
40 ft3(s) | 7.1243042671614 bbl(s) (7) |
41 ft3(s) | 7.3024118738404 bbl(s) (7) |
42 ft3(s) | 7.4805194805195 bbl(s) (7) |
43 ft3(s) | 7.6586270871985 bbl(s) (8) |
44 ft3(s) | 7.8367346938776 bbl(s) (8) |
45 ft3(s) | 8.0148423005566 bbl(s) (8) |
46 ft3(s) | 8.1929499072356 bbl(s) (8) |
47 ft3(s) | 8.3710575139147 bbl(s) (8) |
48 ft3(s) | 8.5491651205937 bbl(s) (9) |
49 ft3(s) | 8.7272727272727 bbl(s) (9) |
50 ft3(s) | 8.9053803339518 bbl(s) (9) |
51 ft3(s) | 9.0834879406308 bbl(s) (9) |
52 ft3(s) | 9.2615955473098 bbl(s) (9) |
53 ft3(s) | 9.4397031539889 bbl(s) (9) |
54 ft3(s) | 9.6178107606679 bbl(s) (10) |
55 ft3(s) | 9.7959183673469 bbl(s) (10) |
56 ft3(s) | 9.974025974026 bbl(s) (10) |
57 ft3(s) | 10.152133580705 bbl(s) (10) |
58 ft3(s) | 10.330241187384 bbl(s) (10) |
59 ft3(s) | 10.508348794063 bbl(s) (11) |
60 ft3(s) | 10.686456400742 bbl(s) (11) |
61 ft3(s) | 10.864564007421 bbl(s) (11) |
62 ft3(s) | 11.0426716141 bbl(s) (11) |
63 ft3(s) | 11.220779220779 bbl(s) (11) |
64 ft3(s) | 11.398886827458 bbl(s) (11) |
65 ft3(s) | 11.576994434137 bbl(s) (12) |
66 ft3(s) | 11.755102040816 bbl(s) (12) |
67 ft3(s) | 11.933209647495 bbl(s) (12) |
68 ft3(s) | 12.111317254174 bbl(s) (12) |
69 ft3(s) | 12.289424860853 bbl(s) (12) |
70 ft3(s) | 12.467532467532 bbl(s) (12) |
71 ft3(s) | 12.645640074212 bbl(s) (13) |
72 ft3(s) | 12.823747680891 bbl(s) (13) |
73 ft3(s) | 13.00185528757 bbl(s) (13) |
74 ft3(s) | 13.179962894249 bbl(s) (13) |
75 ft3(s) | 13.358070500928 bbl(s) (13) |
76 ft3(s) | 13.536178107607 bbl(s) (14) |
77 ft3(s) | 13.714285714286 bbl(s) (14) |
78 ft3(s) | 13.892393320965 bbl(s) (14) |
79 ft3(s) | 14.070500927644 bbl(s) (14) |
80 ft3(s) | 14.248608534323 bbl(s) (14) |
81 ft3(s) | 14.426716141002 bbl(s) (14) |
82 ft3(s) | 14.604823747681 bbl(s) (15) |
83 ft3(s) | 14.78293135436 bbl(s) (15) |
84 ft3(s) | 14.961038961039 bbl(s) (15) |
85 ft3(s) | 15.139146567718 bbl(s) (15) |
86 ft3(s) | 15.317254174397 bbl(s) (15) |
87 ft3(s) | 15.495361781076 bbl(s) (15) |
88 ft3(s) | 15.673469387755 bbl(s) (16) |
89 ft3(s) | 15.851576994434 bbl(s) (16) |
90 ft3(s) | 16.029684601113 bbl(s) (16) |
91 ft3(s) | 16.207792207792 bbl(s) (16) |
92 ft3(s) | 16.385899814471 bbl(s) (16) |
93 ft3(s) | 16.56400742115 bbl(s) (17) |
94 ft3(s) | 16.742115027829 bbl(s) (17) |
95 ft3(s) | 16.920222634508 bbl(s) (17) |
96 ft3(s) | 17.098330241187 bbl(s) (17) |
97 ft3(s) | 17.276437847866 bbl(s) (17) |
98 ft3(s) | 17.454545454545 bbl(s) (17) |
99 ft3(s) | 17.632653061224 bbl(s) (18) |
100 ft3(s) | 17.810760667904 bbl(s) (18) |