Conversion teaspoon to dram US
Conversion formula of tsp to dr
Here are the various method()s and formula(s) to calculate or make the conversion of tsp in dr. Either you prefer to make multiplication or division, you will find the right mathematical procedures and examples.
Formulas explanation
By multiplication (x)
Number of teaspoon multiply(x) by 1.3333323093339, equal(=): Number of dram US
By division (/)
Number of teaspoon divided(/) by 0.75000057600015, equal(=): Number of dram US
Example of teaspoon in dram US
By multiplication
27 tsp(s) * 1.3333323093339 = 35.999972352014 dr(s)
By division
27 tsp(s) / 0.75000057600015 = 35.999972352014 dr(s)
Rounded conversion
Please note that the results given in this calculator are rounded to the ten thousandth unit nearby, so in other words to 4 decimals, or 4 decimal places.
Volume unit
The volume is used in several situations in order to obtain the quantity of space occupied by a solid, or the amount of material (liquid, gas or solid) that it may contain. The prism (solid) used in the calculation of a general volume is the cube because, as each of its facets is composed of squares, the latter has a regular formula. The volume is therefore represented by the following global formula: side (ex: length) multiplied by any other side (ex: width) and then multiplied by another side (ex: height). It is this same amount of side that leads to the representation of power or exponent 3 or 3.
Other units in teaspoon
Imperial system
The unit teaspoon is an Anglo-Saxon measure from England but widely used in different fields and countries around the world. Fractions commonly used for calculating imperial units usually have an even number as the denominator. Here are the most used fractions: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32.
Table or conversion table tsp to dr
Here you will get the results of conversion of the first 100 teaspoons to dram USs
In parentheses () web placed the number of dram USs rounded to unit.
teaspoon(s) | dram US(s) |
1 tsp(s) | 1.3333323093339 dr(s) (1) |
2 tsp(s) | 2.6666646186677 dr(s) (3) |
3 tsp(s) | 3.9999969280016 dr(s) (4) |
4 tsp(s) | 5.3333292373354 dr(s) (5) |
5 tsp(s) | 6.6666615466693 dr(s) (7) |
6 tsp(s) | 7.9999938560031 dr(s) (8) |
7 tsp(s) | 9.333326165337 dr(s) (9) |
8 tsp(s) | 10.666658474671 dr(s) (11) |
9 tsp(s) | 11.999990784005 dr(s) (12) |
10 tsp(s) | 13.333323093339 dr(s) (13) |
11 tsp(s) | 14.666655402672 dr(s) (15) |
12 tsp(s) | 15.999987712006 dr(s) (16) |
13 tsp(s) | 17.33332002134 dr(s) (17) |
14 tsp(s) | 18.666652330674 dr(s) (19) |
15 tsp(s) | 19.999984640008 dr(s) (20) |
16 tsp(s) | 21.333316949342 dr(s) (21) |
17 tsp(s) | 22.666649258676 dr(s) (23) |
18 tsp(s) | 23.999981568009 dr(s) (24) |
19 tsp(s) | 25.333313877343 dr(s) (25) |
20 tsp(s) | 26.666646186677 dr(s) (27) |
21 tsp(s) | 27.999978496011 dr(s) (28) |
22 tsp(s) | 29.333310805345 dr(s) (29) |
23 tsp(s) | 30.666643114679 dr(s) (31) |
24 tsp(s) | 31.999975424013 dr(s) (32) |
25 tsp(s) | 33.333307733346 dr(s) (33) |
26 tsp(s) | 34.66664004268 dr(s) (35) |
27 tsp(s) | 35.999972352014 dr(s) (36) |
28 tsp(s) | 37.333304661348 dr(s) (37) |
29 tsp(s) | 38.666636970682 dr(s) (39) |
30 tsp(s) | 39.999969280016 dr(s) (40) |
31 tsp(s) | 41.33330158935 dr(s) (41) |
32 tsp(s) | 42.666633898683 dr(s) (43) |
33 tsp(s) | 43.999966208017 dr(s) (44) |
34 tsp(s) | 45.333298517351 dr(s) (45) |
35 tsp(s) | 46.666630826685 dr(s) (47) |
36 tsp(s) | 47.999963136019 dr(s) (48) |
37 tsp(s) | 49.333295445353 dr(s) (49) |
38 tsp(s) | 50.666627754687 dr(s) (51) |
39 tsp(s) | 51.99996006402 dr(s) (52) |
40 tsp(s) | 53.333292373354 dr(s) (53) |
41 tsp(s) | 54.666624682688 dr(s) (55) |
42 tsp(s) | 55.999956992022 dr(s) (56) |
43 tsp(s) | 57.333289301356 dr(s) (57) |
44 tsp(s) | 58.66662161069 dr(s) (59) |
45 tsp(s) | 59.999953920024 dr(s) (60) |
46 tsp(s) | 61.333286229357 dr(s) (61) |
47 tsp(s) | 62.666618538691 dr(s) (63) |
48 tsp(s) | 63.999950848025 dr(s) (64) |
49 tsp(s) | 65.333283157359 dr(s) (65) |
50 tsp(s) | 66.666615466693 dr(s) (67) |
51 tsp(s) | 67.999947776027 dr(s) (68) |
52 tsp(s) | 69.333280085361 dr(s) (69) |
53 tsp(s) | 70.666612394694 dr(s) (71) |
54 tsp(s) | 71.999944704028 dr(s) (72) |
55 tsp(s) | 73.333277013362 dr(s) (73) |
56 tsp(s) | 74.666609322696 dr(s) (75) |
57 tsp(s) | 75.99994163203 dr(s) (76) |
58 tsp(s) | 77.333273941364 dr(s) (77) |
59 tsp(s) | 78.666606250698 dr(s) (79) |
60 tsp(s) | 79.999938560031 dr(s) (80) |
61 tsp(s) | 81.333270869365 dr(s) (81) |
62 tsp(s) | 82.666603178699 dr(s) (83) |
63 tsp(s) | 83.999935488033 dr(s) (84) |
64 tsp(s) | 85.333267797367 dr(s) (85) |
65 tsp(s) | 86.666600106701 dr(s) (87) |
66 tsp(s) | 87.999932416035 dr(s) (88) |
67 tsp(s) | 89.333264725368 dr(s) (89) |
68 tsp(s) | 90.666597034702 dr(s) (91) |
69 tsp(s) | 91.999929344036 dr(s) (92) |
70 tsp(s) | 93.33326165337 dr(s) (93) |
71 tsp(s) | 94.666593962704 dr(s) (95) |
72 tsp(s) | 95.999926272038 dr(s) (96) |
73 tsp(s) | 97.333258581372 dr(s) (97) |
74 tsp(s) | 98.666590890705 dr(s) (99) |
75 tsp(s) | 99.999923200039 dr(s) (100) |
76 tsp(s) | 101.33325550937 dr(s) (101) |
77 tsp(s) | 102.66658781871 dr(s) (103) |
78 tsp(s) | 103.99992012804 dr(s) (104) |
79 tsp(s) | 105.33325243737 dr(s) (105) |
80 tsp(s) | 106.66658474671 dr(s) (107) |
81 tsp(s) | 107.99991705604 dr(s) (108) |
82 tsp(s) | 109.33324936538 dr(s) (109) |
83 tsp(s) | 110.66658167471 dr(s) (111) |
84 tsp(s) | 111.99991398404 dr(s) (112) |
85 tsp(s) | 113.33324629338 dr(s) (113) |
86 tsp(s) | 114.66657860271 dr(s) (115) |
87 tsp(s) | 115.99991091205 dr(s) (116) |
88 tsp(s) | 117.33324322138 dr(s) (117) |
89 tsp(s) | 118.66657553071 dr(s) (119) |
90 tsp(s) | 119.99990784005 dr(s) (120) |
91 tsp(s) | 121.33324014938 dr(s) (121) |
92 tsp(s) | 122.66657245871 dr(s) (123) |
93 tsp(s) | 123.99990476805 dr(s) (124) |
94 tsp(s) | 125.33323707738 dr(s) (125) |
95 tsp(s) | 126.66656938672 dr(s) (127) |
96 tsp(s) | 127.99990169605 dr(s) (128) |
97 tsp(s) | 129.33323400538 dr(s) (129) |
98 tsp(s) | 130.66656631472 dr(s) (131) |
99 tsp(s) | 131.99989862405 dr(s) (132) |
100 tsp(s) | 133.33323093339 dr(s) (133) |