Conversion cubic centimetre to ounce US
Conversion formula of cm3 to oz
Here are the various method()s and formula(s) to calculate or make the conversion of cm3 in oz. Either you prefer to make multiplication or division, you will find the right mathematical procedures and examples.
Formulas explanation
By multiplication (x)
Number of cubic centimetre multiply(x) by 0.033814022701843, equal(=): Number of ounce US
By division (/)
Number of cubic centimetre divided(/) by 29.57353, equal(=): Number of ounce US
Example of cubic centimetre in ounce US
By multiplication
93 cm3(s) * 0.033814022701843 = 3.1447041112714 oz(s)
By division
93 cm3(s) / 29.57353 = 3.1447041112714 oz(s)
Rounded conversion
Please note that the results given in this calculator are rounded to the ten thousandth unit nearby, so in other words to 4 decimals, or 4 decimal places.
Volume unit
The volume is used in several situations in order to obtain the quantity of space occupied by a solid, or the amount of material (liquid, gas or solid) that it may contain. The prism (solid) used in the calculation of a general volume is the cube because, as each of its facets is composed of squares, the latter has a regular formula. The volume is therefore represented by the following global formula: side (ex: length) multiplied by any other side (ex: width) and then multiplied by another side (ex: height). It is this same amount of side that leads to the representation of power or exponent 3 or 3.
Other units in cubic centimetre
- Cubic Centimetre to Cubic Decimetre
- Cubic Centimetre to Cubic Palm
- Cubic Centimetre to Cubic Span
- Cubic Centimetre to Ounce UK
Metric system
The unit cubic centimetre is part of the international metric system which advocates the use of decimals in the calculation of unit fractions.
Table or conversion table cm3 to oz
Here you will get the results of conversion of the first 100 cubic centimetres to ounce USs
In parentheses () web placed the number of ounce USs rounded to unit.
cubic centimetre(s) | ounce US(s) |
1 cm3(s) | 0.033814022701843 oz(s) (0) |
2 cm3(s) | 0.067628045403686 oz(s) (0) |
3 cm3(s) | 0.10144206810553 oz(s) (0) |
4 cm3(s) | 0.13525609080737 oz(s) (0) |
5 cm3(s) | 0.16907011350921 oz(s) (0) |
6 cm3(s) | 0.20288413621106 oz(s) (0) |
7 cm3(s) | 0.2366981589129 oz(s) (0) |
8 cm3(s) | 0.27051218161474 oz(s) (0) |
9 cm3(s) | 0.30432620431659 oz(s) (0) |
10 cm3(s) | 0.33814022701843 oz(s) (0) |
11 cm3(s) | 0.37195424972027 oz(s) (0) |
12 cm3(s) | 0.40576827242212 oz(s) (0) |
13 cm3(s) | 0.43958229512396 oz(s) (0) |
14 cm3(s) | 0.4733963178258 oz(s) (0) |
15 cm3(s) | 0.50721034052764 oz(s) (1) |
16 cm3(s) | 0.54102436322949 oz(s) (1) |
17 cm3(s) | 0.57483838593133 oz(s) (1) |
18 cm3(s) | 0.60865240863317 oz(s) (1) |
19 cm3(s) | 0.64246643133502 oz(s) (1) |
20 cm3(s) | 0.67628045403686 oz(s) (1) |
21 cm3(s) | 0.7100944767387 oz(s) (1) |
22 cm3(s) | 0.74390849944055 oz(s) (1) |
23 cm3(s) | 0.77772252214239 oz(s) (1) |
24 cm3(s) | 0.81153654484423 oz(s) (1) |
25 cm3(s) | 0.84535056754607 oz(s) (1) |
26 cm3(s) | 0.87916459024792 oz(s) (1) |
27 cm3(s) | 0.91297861294976 oz(s) (1) |
28 cm3(s) | 0.9467926356516 oz(s) (1) |
29 cm3(s) | 0.98060665835345 oz(s) (1) |
30 cm3(s) | 1.0144206810553 oz(s) (1) |
31 cm3(s) | 1.0482347037571 oz(s) (1) |
32 cm3(s) | 1.082048726459 oz(s) (1) |
33 cm3(s) | 1.1158627491608 oz(s) (1) |
34 cm3(s) | 1.1496767718627 oz(s) (1) |
35 cm3(s) | 1.1834907945645 oz(s) (1) |
36 cm3(s) | 1.2173048172663 oz(s) (1) |
37 cm3(s) | 1.2511188399682 oz(s) (1) |
38 cm3(s) | 1.28493286267 oz(s) (1) |
39 cm3(s) | 1.3187468853719 oz(s) (1) |
40 cm3(s) | 1.3525609080737 oz(s) (1) |
41 cm3(s) | 1.3863749307756 oz(s) (1) |
42 cm3(s) | 1.4201889534774 oz(s) (1) |
43 cm3(s) | 1.4540029761792 oz(s) (1) |
44 cm3(s) | 1.4878169988811 oz(s) (1) |
45 cm3(s) | 1.5216310215829 oz(s) (2) |
46 cm3(s) | 1.5554450442848 oz(s) (2) |
47 cm3(s) | 1.5892590669866 oz(s) (2) |
48 cm3(s) | 1.6230730896885 oz(s) (2) |
49 cm3(s) | 1.6568871123903 oz(s) (2) |
50 cm3(s) | 1.6907011350921 oz(s) (2) |
51 cm3(s) | 1.724515157794 oz(s) (2) |
52 cm3(s) | 1.7583291804958 oz(s) (2) |
53 cm3(s) | 1.7921432031977 oz(s) (2) |
54 cm3(s) | 1.8259572258995 oz(s) (2) |
55 cm3(s) | 1.8597712486014 oz(s) (2) |
56 cm3(s) | 1.8935852713032 oz(s) (2) |
57 cm3(s) | 1.9273992940051 oz(s) (2) |
58 cm3(s) | 1.9612133167069 oz(s) (2) |
59 cm3(s) | 1.9950273394087 oz(s) (2) |
60 cm3(s) | 2.0288413621106 oz(s) (2) |
61 cm3(s) | 2.0626553848124 oz(s) (2) |
62 cm3(s) | 2.0964694075143 oz(s) (2) |
63 cm3(s) | 2.1302834302161 oz(s) (2) |
64 cm3(s) | 2.164097452918 oz(s) (2) |
65 cm3(s) | 2.1979114756198 oz(s) (2) |
66 cm3(s) | 2.2317254983216 oz(s) (2) |
67 cm3(s) | 2.2655395210235 oz(s) (2) |
68 cm3(s) | 2.2993535437253 oz(s) (2) |
69 cm3(s) | 2.3331675664272 oz(s) (2) |
70 cm3(s) | 2.366981589129 oz(s) (2) |
71 cm3(s) | 2.4007956118309 oz(s) (2) |
72 cm3(s) | 2.4346096345327 oz(s) (2) |
73 cm3(s) | 2.4684236572345 oz(s) (2) |
74 cm3(s) | 2.5022376799364 oz(s) (3) |
75 cm3(s) | 2.5360517026382 oz(s) (3) |
76 cm3(s) | 2.5698657253401 oz(s) (3) |
77 cm3(s) | 2.6036797480419 oz(s) (3) |
78 cm3(s) | 2.6374937707438 oz(s) (3) |
79 cm3(s) | 2.6713077934456 oz(s) (3) |
80 cm3(s) | 2.7051218161474 oz(s) (3) |
81 cm3(s) | 2.7389358388493 oz(s) (3) |
82 cm3(s) | 2.7727498615511 oz(s) (3) |
83 cm3(s) | 2.806563884253 oz(s) (3) |
84 cm3(s) | 2.8403779069548 oz(s) (3) |
85 cm3(s) | 2.8741919296567 oz(s) (3) |
86 cm3(s) | 2.9080059523585 oz(s) (3) |
87 cm3(s) | 2.9418199750603 oz(s) (3) |
88 cm3(s) | 2.9756339977622 oz(s) (3) |
89 cm3(s) | 3.009448020464 oz(s) (3) |
90 cm3(s) | 3.0432620431659 oz(s) (3) |
91 cm3(s) | 3.0770760658677 oz(s) (3) |
92 cm3(s) | 3.1108900885696 oz(s) (3) |
93 cm3(s) | 3.1447041112714 oz(s) (3) |
94 cm3(s) | 3.1785181339732 oz(s) (3) |
95 cm3(s) | 3.2123321566751 oz(s) (3) |
96 cm3(s) | 3.2461461793769 oz(s) (3) |
97 cm3(s) | 3.2799602020788 oz(s) (3) |
98 cm3(s) | 3.3137742247806 oz(s) (3) |
99 cm3(s) | 3.3475882474825 oz(s) (3) |
100 cm3(s) | 3.3814022701843 oz(s) (3) |