Conversion dry gallon US to pint dry US
Conversion formula of gal to pt
Here are the various method()s and formula(s) to calculate or make the conversion of gal in pt. Either you prefer to make multiplication or division, you will find the right mathematical procedures and examples.
Formulas explanation
By multiplication (x)
Number of dry gallon US multiply(x) by 8, equal(=): Number of pint dry US
By division (/)
Number of dry gallon US divided(/) by 0.125, equal(=): Number of pint dry US
Example of dry gallon US in pint dry US
By multiplication
10 gal(s) * 8 = 80 pt(s)
By division
10 gal(s) / 0.125 = 80 pt(s)
Rounded conversion
Please note that the results given in this calculator are rounded to the ten thousandth unit nearby, so in other words to 4 decimals, or 4 decimal places.
Volume unit
The volume is used in several situations in order to obtain the quantity of space occupied by a solid, or the amount of material (liquid, gas or solid) that it may contain. The prism (solid) used in the calculation of a general volume is the cube because, as each of its facets is composed of squares, the latter has a regular formula. The volume is therefore represented by the following global formula: side (ex: length) multiplied by any other side (ex: width) and then multiplied by another side (ex: height). It is this same amount of side that leads to the representation of power or exponent 3 or 3.
Other units in dry gallon US
- Dry Gallon US to Cubic Barleycorn
- Dry Gallon US to Cubic Metre
- Dry Gallon US to Cubic Nanometre
- Dry Gallon US to Minim UK
Imperial system
The unit dry gallon US is an Anglo-Saxon measure from England but widely used in different fields and countries around the world. Fractions commonly used for calculating imperial units usually have an even number as the denominator. Here are the most used fractions: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32.
Table or conversion table gal to pt
Here you will get the results of conversion of the first 100 dry gallon USs to pint dry USs
In parentheses () web placed the number of pint dry USs rounded to unit.
dry gallon US(s) | pint dry US(s) |
1 gal(s) | 8 pt(s) (8) |
2 gal(s) | 16 pt(s) (16) |
3 gal(s) | 24 pt(s) (24) |
4 gal(s) | 32 pt(s) (32) |
5 gal(s) | 40 pt(s) (40) |
6 gal(s) | 48 pt(s) (48) |
7 gal(s) | 56 pt(s) (56) |
8 gal(s) | 64 pt(s) (64) |
9 gal(s) | 72 pt(s) (72) |
10 gal(s) | 80 pt(s) (80) |
11 gal(s) | 88 pt(s) (88) |
12 gal(s) | 96 pt(s) (96) |
13 gal(s) | 104 pt(s) (104) |
14 gal(s) | 112 pt(s) (112) |
15 gal(s) | 120 pt(s) (120) |
16 gal(s) | 128 pt(s) (128) |
17 gal(s) | 136 pt(s) (136) |
18 gal(s) | 144 pt(s) (144) |
19 gal(s) | 152 pt(s) (152) |
20 gal(s) | 160 pt(s) (160) |
21 gal(s) | 168 pt(s) (168) |
22 gal(s) | 176 pt(s) (176) |
23 gal(s) | 184 pt(s) (184) |
24 gal(s) | 192 pt(s) (192) |
25 gal(s) | 200 pt(s) (200) |
26 gal(s) | 208 pt(s) (208) |
27 gal(s) | 216 pt(s) (216) |
28 gal(s) | 224 pt(s) (224) |
29 gal(s) | 232 pt(s) (232) |
30 gal(s) | 240 pt(s) (240) |
31 gal(s) | 248 pt(s) (248) |
32 gal(s) | 256 pt(s) (256) |
33 gal(s) | 264 pt(s) (264) |
34 gal(s) | 272 pt(s) (272) |
35 gal(s) | 280 pt(s) (280) |
36 gal(s) | 288 pt(s) (288) |
37 gal(s) | 296 pt(s) (296) |
38 gal(s) | 304 pt(s) (304) |
39 gal(s) | 312 pt(s) (312) |
40 gal(s) | 320 pt(s) (320) |
41 gal(s) | 328 pt(s) (328) |
42 gal(s) | 336 pt(s) (336) |
43 gal(s) | 344 pt(s) (344) |
44 gal(s) | 352 pt(s) (352) |
45 gal(s) | 360 pt(s) (360) |
46 gal(s) | 368 pt(s) (368) |
47 gal(s) | 376 pt(s) (376) |
48 gal(s) | 384 pt(s) (384) |
49 gal(s) | 392 pt(s) (392) |
50 gal(s) | 400 pt(s) (400) |
51 gal(s) | 408 pt(s) (408) |
52 gal(s) | 416 pt(s) (416) |
53 gal(s) | 424 pt(s) (424) |
54 gal(s) | 432 pt(s) (432) |
55 gal(s) | 440 pt(s) (440) |
56 gal(s) | 448 pt(s) (448) |
57 gal(s) | 456 pt(s) (456) |
58 gal(s) | 464 pt(s) (464) |
59 gal(s) | 472 pt(s) (472) |
60 gal(s) | 480 pt(s) (480) |
61 gal(s) | 488 pt(s) (488) |
62 gal(s) | 496 pt(s) (496) |
63 gal(s) | 504 pt(s) (504) |
64 gal(s) | 512 pt(s) (512) |
65 gal(s) | 520 pt(s) (520) |
66 gal(s) | 528 pt(s) (528) |
67 gal(s) | 536 pt(s) (536) |
68 gal(s) | 544 pt(s) (544) |
69 gal(s) | 552 pt(s) (552) |
70 gal(s) | 560 pt(s) (560) |
71 gal(s) | 568 pt(s) (568) |
72 gal(s) | 576 pt(s) (576) |
73 gal(s) | 584 pt(s) (584) |
74 gal(s) | 592 pt(s) (592) |
75 gal(s) | 600 pt(s) (600) |
76 gal(s) | 608 pt(s) (608) |
77 gal(s) | 616 pt(s) (616) |
78 gal(s) | 624 pt(s) (624) |
79 gal(s) | 632 pt(s) (632) |
80 gal(s) | 640 pt(s) (640) |
81 gal(s) | 648 pt(s) (648) |
82 gal(s) | 656 pt(s) (656) |
83 gal(s) | 664 pt(s) (664) |
84 gal(s) | 672 pt(s) (672) |
85 gal(s) | 680 pt(s) (680) |
86 gal(s) | 688 pt(s) (688) |
87 gal(s) | 696 pt(s) (696) |
88 gal(s) | 704 pt(s) (704) |
89 gal(s) | 712 pt(s) (712) |
90 gal(s) | 720 pt(s) (720) |
91 gal(s) | 728 pt(s) (728) |
92 gal(s) | 736 pt(s) (736) |
93 gal(s) | 744 pt(s) (744) |
94 gal(s) | 752 pt(s) (752) |
95 gal(s) | 760 pt(s) (760) |
96 gal(s) | 768 pt(s) (768) |
97 gal(s) | 776 pt(s) (776) |
98 gal(s) | 784 pt(s) (784) |
99 gal(s) | 792 pt(s) (792) |
100 gal(s) | 800 pt(s) (800) |