Conversion pint dry US to quart UK
Conversion formula of pt to qt
Here are the various method()s and formula(s) to calculate or make the conversion of pt in qt. Either you prefer to make multiplication or division, you will find the right mathematical procedures and examples.
Formulas explanation
By multiplication (x)
Number of pint dry US multiply(x) by 0.48484848333333, equal(=): Number of quart UK
By division (/)
Number of pint dry US divided(/) by 2.0625000064453, equal(=): Number of quart UK
Example of pint dry US in quart UK
By multiplication
4 pt(s) * 0.48484848333333 = 1.9393939333333 qt(s)
By division
4 pt(s) / 2.0625000064453 = 1.9393939333333 qt(s)
Rounded conversion
Please note that the results given in this calculator are rounded to the ten thousandth unit nearby, so in other words to 4 decimals, or 4 decimal places.
Volume unit
The volume is used in several situations in order to obtain the quantity of space occupied by a solid, or the amount of material (liquid, gas or solid) that it may contain. The prism (solid) used in the calculation of a general volume is the cube because, as each of its facets is composed of squares, the latter has a regular formula. The volume is therefore represented by the following global formula: side (ex: length) multiplied by any other side (ex: width) and then multiplied by another side (ex: height). It is this same amount of side that leads to the representation of power or exponent 3 or 3.
Other units in pint dry US
- Pint Dry US to Cubic Decametre
- Pint Dry US to Cubic Digit
- Pint Dry US to Cubic Kilometre
- Pint Dry US to Cubic Terametre
Imperial system
The unit pint dry US is an Anglo-Saxon measure from England but widely used in different fields and countries around the world. Fractions commonly used for calculating imperial units usually have an even number as the denominator. Here are the most used fractions: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32.
Table or conversion table pt to qt
Here you will get the results of conversion of the first 100 pint dry USs to quart UKs
In parentheses () web placed the number of quart UKs rounded to unit.
pint dry US(s) | quart UK(s) |
1 pt(s) | 0.48484848333333 qt(s) (0) |
2 pt(s) | 0.96969696666667 qt(s) (1) |
3 pt(s) | 1.45454545 qt(s) (1) |
4 pt(s) | 1.9393939333333 qt(s) (2) |
5 pt(s) | 2.4242424166667 qt(s) (2) |
6 pt(s) | 2.9090909 qt(s) (3) |
7 pt(s) | 3.3939393833333 qt(s) (3) |
8 pt(s) | 3.8787878666667 qt(s) (4) |
9 pt(s) | 4.36363635 qt(s) (4) |
10 pt(s) | 4.8484848333333 qt(s) (5) |
11 pt(s) | 5.3333333166667 qt(s) (5) |
12 pt(s) | 5.8181818 qt(s) (6) |
13 pt(s) | 6.3030302833333 qt(s) (6) |
14 pt(s) | 6.7878787666667 qt(s) (7) |
15 pt(s) | 7.27272725 qt(s) (7) |
16 pt(s) | 7.7575757333333 qt(s) (8) |
17 pt(s) | 8.2424242166667 qt(s) (8) |
18 pt(s) | 8.7272727 qt(s) (9) |
19 pt(s) | 9.2121211833333 qt(s) (9) |
20 pt(s) | 9.6969696666667 qt(s) (10) |
21 pt(s) | 10.18181815 qt(s) (10) |
22 pt(s) | 10.666666633333 qt(s) (11) |
23 pt(s) | 11.151515116667 qt(s) (11) |
24 pt(s) | 11.6363636 qt(s) (12) |
25 pt(s) | 12.121212083333 qt(s) (12) |
26 pt(s) | 12.606060566667 qt(s) (13) |
27 pt(s) | 13.09090905 qt(s) (13) |
28 pt(s) | 13.575757533333 qt(s) (14) |
29 pt(s) | 14.060606016667 qt(s) (14) |
30 pt(s) | 14.5454545 qt(s) (15) |
31 pt(s) | 15.030302983333 qt(s) (15) |
32 pt(s) | 15.515151466667 qt(s) (16) |
33 pt(s) | 15.99999995 qt(s) (16) |
34 pt(s) | 16.484848433333 qt(s) (16) |
35 pt(s) | 16.969696916667 qt(s) (17) |
36 pt(s) | 17.4545454 qt(s) (17) |
37 pt(s) | 17.939393883333 qt(s) (18) |
38 pt(s) | 18.424242366667 qt(s) (18) |
39 pt(s) | 18.90909085 qt(s) (19) |
40 pt(s) | 19.393939333333 qt(s) (19) |
41 pt(s) | 19.878787816667 qt(s) (20) |
42 pt(s) | 20.3636363 qt(s) (20) |
43 pt(s) | 20.848484783333 qt(s) (21) |
44 pt(s) | 21.333333266667 qt(s) (21) |
45 pt(s) | 21.81818175 qt(s) (22) |
46 pt(s) | 22.303030233333 qt(s) (22) |
47 pt(s) | 22.787878716667 qt(s) (23) |
48 pt(s) | 23.2727272 qt(s) (23) |
49 pt(s) | 23.757575683333 qt(s) (24) |
50 pt(s) | 24.242424166667 qt(s) (24) |
51 pt(s) | 24.72727265 qt(s) (25) |
52 pt(s) | 25.212121133333 qt(s) (25) |
53 pt(s) | 25.696969616667 qt(s) (26) |
54 pt(s) | 26.1818181 qt(s) (26) |
55 pt(s) | 26.666666583333 qt(s) (27) |
56 pt(s) | 27.151515066667 qt(s) (27) |
57 pt(s) | 27.63636355 qt(s) (28) |
58 pt(s) | 28.121212033333 qt(s) (28) |
59 pt(s) | 28.606060516667 qt(s) (29) |
60 pt(s) | 29.090909 qt(s) (29) |
61 pt(s) | 29.575757483333 qt(s) (30) |
62 pt(s) | 30.060605966667 qt(s) (30) |
63 pt(s) | 30.54545445 qt(s) (31) |
64 pt(s) | 31.030302933333 qt(s) (31) |
65 pt(s) | 31.515151416667 qt(s) (32) |
66 pt(s) | 31.9999999 qt(s) (32) |
67 pt(s) | 32.484848383333 qt(s) (32) |
68 pt(s) | 32.969696866667 qt(s) (33) |
69 pt(s) | 33.45454535 qt(s) (33) |
70 pt(s) | 33.939393833333 qt(s) (34) |
71 pt(s) | 34.424242316667 qt(s) (34) |
72 pt(s) | 34.9090908 qt(s) (35) |
73 pt(s) | 35.393939283333 qt(s) (35) |
74 pt(s) | 35.878787766667 qt(s) (36) |
75 pt(s) | 36.36363625 qt(s) (36) |
76 pt(s) | 36.848484733333 qt(s) (37) |
77 pt(s) | 37.333333216667 qt(s) (37) |
78 pt(s) | 37.8181817 qt(s) (38) |
79 pt(s) | 38.303030183333 qt(s) (38) |
80 pt(s) | 38.787878666667 qt(s) (39) |
81 pt(s) | 39.27272715 qt(s) (39) |
82 pt(s) | 39.757575633333 qt(s) (40) |
83 pt(s) | 40.242424116667 qt(s) (40) |
84 pt(s) | 40.7272726 qt(s) (41) |
85 pt(s) | 41.212121083333 qt(s) (41) |
86 pt(s) | 41.696969566667 qt(s) (42) |
87 pt(s) | 42.18181805 qt(s) (42) |
88 pt(s) | 42.666666533333 qt(s) (43) |
89 pt(s) | 43.151515016667 qt(s) (43) |
90 pt(s) | 43.6363635 qt(s) (44) |
91 pt(s) | 44.121211983333 qt(s) (44) |
92 pt(s) | 44.606060466667 qt(s) (45) |
93 pt(s) | 45.09090895 qt(s) (45) |
94 pt(s) | 45.575757433333 qt(s) (46) |
95 pt(s) | 46.060605916667 qt(s) (46) |
96 pt(s) | 46.5454544 qt(s) (47) |
97 pt(s) | 47.030302883333 qt(s) (47) |
98 pt(s) | 47.515151366667 qt(s) (48) |
99 pt(s) | 47.99999985 qt(s) (48) |
100 pt(s) | 48.484848333333 qt(s) (48) |