Conversion tablespoon to pint dry US
Conversion formula of tbsp to pt
Here are the various method()s and formula(s) to calculate or make the conversion of tbsp in pt. Either you prefer to make multiplication or division, you will find the right mathematical procedures and examples.
Formulas explanation
By multiplication (x)
Number of tablespoon multiply(x) by 0.026855468833923, equal(=): Number of pint dry US
By division (/)
Number of tablespoon divided(/) by 37.23636, equal(=): Number of pint dry US
Example of tablespoon in pint dry US
By multiplication
26 tbsp(s) * 0.026855468833923 = 0.69824218968201 pt(s)
By division
26 tbsp(s) / 37.23636 = 0.69824218968201 pt(s)
Rounded conversion
Please note that the results given in this calculator are rounded to the ten thousandth unit nearby, so in other words to 4 decimals, or 4 decimal places.
Volume unit
The volume is used in several situations in order to obtain the quantity of space occupied by a solid, or the amount of material (liquid, gas or solid) that it may contain. The prism (solid) used in the calculation of a general volume is the cube because, as each of its facets is composed of squares, the latter has a regular formula. The volume is therefore represented by the following global formula: side (ex: length) multiplied by any other side (ex: width) and then multiplied by another side (ex: height). It is this same amount of side that leads to the representation of power or exponent 3 or 3.
Other units in tablespoon
- Tablespoon to Barrel UK
- Tablespoon to Cubic Yottametre
- Tablespoon to Dry Gallon US
- Tablespoon to Teaspoon
Imperial system
The unit tablespoon is an Anglo-Saxon measure from England but widely used in different fields and countries around the world. Fractions commonly used for calculating imperial units usually have an even number as the denominator. Here are the most used fractions: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32.
Table or conversion table tbsp to pt
Here you will get the results of conversion of the first 100 tablespoons to pint dry USs
In parentheses () web placed the number of pint dry USs rounded to unit.
tablespoon(s) | pint dry US(s) |
1 tbsp(s) | 0.026855468833923 pt(s) (0) |
2 tbsp(s) | 0.053710937667847 pt(s) (0) |
3 tbsp(s) | 0.08056640650177 pt(s) (0) |
4 tbsp(s) | 0.10742187533569 pt(s) (0) |
5 tbsp(s) | 0.13427734416962 pt(s) (0) |
6 tbsp(s) | 0.16113281300354 pt(s) (0) |
7 tbsp(s) | 0.18798828183746 pt(s) (0) |
8 tbsp(s) | 0.21484375067139 pt(s) (0) |
9 tbsp(s) | 0.24169921950531 pt(s) (0) |
10 tbsp(s) | 0.26855468833923 pt(s) (0) |
11 tbsp(s) | 0.29541015717316 pt(s) (0) |
12 tbsp(s) | 0.32226562600708 pt(s) (0) |
13 tbsp(s) | 0.349121094841 pt(s) (0) |
14 tbsp(s) | 0.37597656367493 pt(s) (0) |
15 tbsp(s) | 0.40283203250885 pt(s) (0) |
16 tbsp(s) | 0.42968750134277 pt(s) (0) |
17 tbsp(s) | 0.4565429701767 pt(s) (0) |
18 tbsp(s) | 0.48339843901062 pt(s) (0) |
19 tbsp(s) | 0.51025390784454 pt(s) (1) |
20 tbsp(s) | 0.53710937667847 pt(s) (1) |
21 tbsp(s) | 0.56396484551239 pt(s) (1) |
22 tbsp(s) | 0.59082031434631 pt(s) (1) |
23 tbsp(s) | 0.61767578318024 pt(s) (1) |
24 tbsp(s) | 0.64453125201416 pt(s) (1) |
25 tbsp(s) | 0.67138672084808 pt(s) (1) |
26 tbsp(s) | 0.69824218968201 pt(s) (1) |
27 tbsp(s) | 0.72509765851593 pt(s) (1) |
28 tbsp(s) | 0.75195312734985 pt(s) (1) |
29 tbsp(s) | 0.77880859618378 pt(s) (1) |
30 tbsp(s) | 0.8056640650177 pt(s) (1) |
31 tbsp(s) | 0.83251953385162 pt(s) (1) |
32 tbsp(s) | 0.85937500268555 pt(s) (1) |
33 tbsp(s) | 0.88623047151947 pt(s) (1) |
34 tbsp(s) | 0.91308594035339 pt(s) (1) |
35 tbsp(s) | 0.93994140918732 pt(s) (1) |
36 tbsp(s) | 0.96679687802124 pt(s) (1) |
37 tbsp(s) | 0.99365234685516 pt(s) (1) |
38 tbsp(s) | 1.0205078156891 pt(s) (1) |
39 tbsp(s) | 1.047363284523 pt(s) (1) |
40 tbsp(s) | 1.0742187533569 pt(s) (1) |
41 tbsp(s) | 1.1010742221909 pt(s) (1) |
42 tbsp(s) | 1.1279296910248 pt(s) (1) |
43 tbsp(s) | 1.1547851598587 pt(s) (1) |
44 tbsp(s) | 1.1816406286926 pt(s) (1) |
45 tbsp(s) | 1.2084960975266 pt(s) (1) |
46 tbsp(s) | 1.2353515663605 pt(s) (1) |
47 tbsp(s) | 1.2622070351944 pt(s) (1) |
48 tbsp(s) | 1.2890625040283 pt(s) (1) |
49 tbsp(s) | 1.3159179728622 pt(s) (1) |
50 tbsp(s) | 1.3427734416962 pt(s) (1) |
51 tbsp(s) | 1.3696289105301 pt(s) (1) |
52 tbsp(s) | 1.396484379364 pt(s) (1) |
53 tbsp(s) | 1.4233398481979 pt(s) (1) |
54 tbsp(s) | 1.4501953170319 pt(s) (1) |
55 tbsp(s) | 1.4770507858658 pt(s) (1) |
56 tbsp(s) | 1.5039062546997 pt(s) (2) |
57 tbsp(s) | 1.5307617235336 pt(s) (2) |
58 tbsp(s) | 1.5576171923676 pt(s) (2) |
59 tbsp(s) | 1.5844726612015 pt(s) (2) |
60 tbsp(s) | 1.6113281300354 pt(s) (2) |
61 tbsp(s) | 1.6381835988693 pt(s) (2) |
62 tbsp(s) | 1.6650390677032 pt(s) (2) |
63 tbsp(s) | 1.6918945365372 pt(s) (2) |
64 tbsp(s) | 1.7187500053711 pt(s) (2) |
65 tbsp(s) | 1.745605474205 pt(s) (2) |
66 tbsp(s) | 1.7724609430389 pt(s) (2) |
67 tbsp(s) | 1.7993164118729 pt(s) (2) |
68 tbsp(s) | 1.8261718807068 pt(s) (2) |
69 tbsp(s) | 1.8530273495407 pt(s) (2) |
70 tbsp(s) | 1.8798828183746 pt(s) (2) |
71 tbsp(s) | 1.9067382872086 pt(s) (2) |
72 tbsp(s) | 1.9335937560425 pt(s) (2) |
73 tbsp(s) | 1.9604492248764 pt(s) (2) |
74 tbsp(s) | 1.9873046937103 pt(s) (2) |
75 tbsp(s) | 2.0141601625443 pt(s) (2) |
76 tbsp(s) | 2.0410156313782 pt(s) (2) |
77 tbsp(s) | 2.0678711002121 pt(s) (2) |
78 tbsp(s) | 2.094726569046 pt(s) (2) |
79 tbsp(s) | 2.1215820378799 pt(s) (2) |
80 tbsp(s) | 2.1484375067139 pt(s) (2) |
81 tbsp(s) | 2.1752929755478 pt(s) (2) |
82 tbsp(s) | 2.2021484443817 pt(s) (2) |
83 tbsp(s) | 2.2290039132156 pt(s) (2) |
84 tbsp(s) | 2.2558593820496 pt(s) (2) |
85 tbsp(s) | 2.2827148508835 pt(s) (2) |
86 tbsp(s) | 2.3095703197174 pt(s) (2) |
87 tbsp(s) | 2.3364257885513 pt(s) (2) |
88 tbsp(s) | 2.3632812573853 pt(s) (2) |
89 tbsp(s) | 2.3901367262192 pt(s) (2) |
90 tbsp(s) | 2.4169921950531 pt(s) (2) |
91 tbsp(s) | 2.443847663887 pt(s) (2) |
92 tbsp(s) | 2.4707031327209 pt(s) (2) |
93 tbsp(s) | 2.4975586015549 pt(s) (2) |
94 tbsp(s) | 2.5244140703888 pt(s) (3) |
95 tbsp(s) | 2.5512695392227 pt(s) (3) |
96 tbsp(s) | 2.5781250080566 pt(s) (3) |
97 tbsp(s) | 2.6049804768906 pt(s) (3) |
98 tbsp(s) | 2.6318359457245 pt(s) (3) |
99 tbsp(s) | 2.6586914145584 pt(s) (3) |
100 tbsp(s) | 2.6855468833923 pt(s) (3) |